Visual Studio Code (VSCode) Remote Development using SSH

  • Remote Development using SSH

  •             ☛ Visual Studio Marketplace: Remote – SSH


  • ทำการติดตั้ง Extention Remote – SSH ใน VSCode และทดลองใช้งาน EC2 โดยตรงใน VSCode
  • Using Python in VS Code

    Getting Started with Python in VS Code

    • Create Virtual Environment
      Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), typing the Python: Create Environment command to search, and then select the command.
      The command presents a list of environment types, Venv or Conda. Select Venv.
      Then select interpreter you installed by using the Python: Select Interpreter command from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), then choose Python 3.11.4(‘.venv’:venv) …..

    • Install the required packages

    Django Inventory Management System

    Django Inventory Management System [Playlist]

    In this series of video, I take a deep dive into Python and the Django Framework. This course contains the basics of Django to intermediary and advanced concepts in Django, Web Development and Software Engineering as a whole. We will build an Inventory Management System in Django. This project covers building an interface using bootstrap, integration with Chartjs for data visualization for the interface and the CRUD functionalities of a database-driven application.