How to add SSH Key to GitHub Account (application Bitnami Django)

Creat an SSH Key,
bitnami@debian:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"Substutute [email protected] with your email address.

・Press Enter to accept the default file location (/home/bitnami/.ssh/id_rsa).

・Enter the secure passphrase (password –> same as the GitHub account).

・Enter the command to display the contents of the generated public key,
bitnami@debian:~$ cat /home/bitnami/.ssh/
Add this public key to your GitHub Account.
Log into your GitHub Account.

・Click your avartar and choose settings.
BD_GitHub_SSH Key1

・Select SSH and GPG Keys
BD_GitHub_Add SSH Key_2

・Click New SSH Key button to create new SSH Key
BD_GitHub_SSH Key_3

・Enter the title in the Title filed and your public key from the above process in the Key field
BD_GitHub_SSH Key_4

How to Add SSH Keys to Your GitHub Account

Now, you can process the commit your work.
bitnami@debian:~$ git status
bitnami@debian:~$ git add -A
bitnami@debian:~$ git commit -m "Any comment..."
bitnami@debian:~$ git push -u origin master