Start Django project when using Bitnami Django Stack Environment

Follow this method…
1) Start the Bitnami Django Stack Environment console (run batch file: use_djangostack.bat in C:\Bitnami\djangostack-3.2-0)
2) Change directory to the Bitnami project directory (C:\Users\usrname\Bitnami Django Stack projects) and create a new directory (\mysite), which is the folder for Git repository root.
C:\Users\usrname\Bitnami Django Stack projects>mkdir mysite
C:\Users\usrname\Bitnami Django Stack projects>cd mysite
C:\Users\usrname\Bitnami Django Stack projects\mysite>

3) Create a new Django project called config with the following command. Don’t forget the period . at the end.
C:\Users\usrname\Bitnami Django Stack projects\mysite>django-admin startproject config .
By running django-admin startproject config . (with the period at the end), will installs in the current directory and has the directory structure:
C:\Users\usrname\Binami Django Stack projects\

Django from Full Stack Python
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