Another good book of Django for the beginner

A Wedge of Django
A Wedge of Django: Covers Python 3.8 and Django 3.x
We also get some points from this book…

  • Terminology “Wire in the URL”, meaning to associate the Django view with a web location on the site.
  • Python List: a list consists of comma-separated values wrapped in square brackets
    ['Abc', 2, 'Fine', 3, 4]
  • Python Dictionary: A set of key: value pairs
        'a1': 'Model A',
        'B3': 'Color 1',
        'coffee': 'cafe',
  • <p>{{ my_statement }}</p>
    The curly braces around my_statement mean that it won’t be displayed on the page as-is.
    It’ll be evaluated on the Python side and then the result will be displayed. It can be any of the following:

    • A Python expression, e.g., string, number, or instantiated object
    • A function or method call
  • Create a PostgreSQL database and add the database configuration in config\settings\
    Setting the environment variable: DATABASE_URL environment variable
        # Raises ImproperlyConfigured Exception
        # if DATABASE_URL Not in os.environ
        "default": env.db(
            "DATABASE_URL", default="postgres://db_username:[email protected]:5432/db_name",
  • <p>{{|linebreaksbr }}<p>
    The “|” or “pipe” symbol in a template is a “filter”. Filters are used to modify variables in Django Templates.
    The “linebreakbr” filter modifies text to replace every carriage return with the HTML <br> tag in teh page being rendered.
  • assert key, is used when debugging code. It lets you test if a condition in your code
    returns True, if not, the program will raise an AssertionError.
    x = 1
    #if condition returns True, then nothing happens:
    assert x == 1
    #if condition returns False, AssertionError is raised:
    assert x == 2
  • It is a common practice in the Django world to keep all our Django apps inside one directory.
  • A good rule of thumb is to use TextField rather than CharField whenever there might be a need for more than 255 characters.
  • Don’t Use list_editable.
    As records are tracked not by primary keys but by their position in a displayed list.
  • CBV (Class-based View)
    from django.http import HttpResponse
    from django.views.generic import View
    class MyView(View):
        def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return HttpResponse('Response to GET request')
        def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return HttpResponse('Response to POST request')
        def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return HttpResponse('Response to DELETE request')

    FBV (Function-based View)
    def my_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            return HttpResponse('Response POST request')
        elif request.method == 'DELETE':
            return HttpResponse('Response DELETE request')
        return HttpResponse('Response GET request')

    or this FBV approach:
    def my_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
          'POST': HttpResponse('Response POST request'),
          'DELETE': HttpResponse('Response DELETE request'),
        DEFAULT = HttpResponse('Response GET request')
        return METHOD_DISPATCH.get(request.method, DEFAULT)
  • HTTP methods used by clients (web browsers) to access application servers (Django).
    GET: Used to read web pages
    POST: Used to submit forms
    DELETE: Used with an API to delete a resource such as a web page
  • In a DetailView’s template, the object is accessible as the lowercased model name.
  • get_FOO_display() is a utility method created automatically for any Django model field.
  • We set blank=True for the optional field. But we don’t set null=True because Django’s convention is to store empty values as the empty string, and to retrieve NULL/empty values as the empty string.
  • To be continued…

บล็อกของ phyblas
Qiita (@phyblas)
django-braces’s documentation
Class-based View
What is a REPL?
How to configure your Django project for multiple environments?
Deploy A Django Project
Deploying a Django application in Windows with Apache and mod_wsgi
How to Remove Services in Windows 10
Anaconda + Django + Apache Webserver
How to run Django on Apache using Windows 10, Virtualenv Python and mod_wsgi
Manage your Python Virtual Environment with Conda
Deploying Django on Windows Server 2019 and Apache with MOD_WSGI

Two Scoops of Django 3.x: Best Practices for the Django Web Framework

Just bought this book from
GitHub for Two-Scoop-of-Django-3.x

Key Points:

  • Keep It Simple, Stupid
  • Fat Models, Utility Modules, Thin Views, Stupid Templates
  • Follow the PEP8;
    • Use 4 spaces per indentation level.
    • Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines.
    • Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line.
  • Limit of text per line is 79 characters (for private projects, it is relaxed to 99 characters).
  • The imports should be grouped in the following order:
    • Standard library imports
    • Core Django imports
    • Related third-party imports
    • Local application or library-specific imports
  • Using aliases to avoid Python Module collisions
    from django.db.models import CharField as ModelCharField
    from django.forms import CharField as FormCharField
  • Use underscores in URL Pattern Names rather than dashes
    patterns = [

    Dashes in actual URLs are fine (e.g. route=‘add-topping/’).
  • Using static/ for the (non-user-generated) static media directory.
  • A Django project is a web application powered by the Django web framework.
    Django apps are small libraries designed to represent a single aspect of a project. A Django project is made up of many Django apps. Some of those apps are internal to the project and will never be reused; others are third-party Django packages.
    INSTALLED_APPS is the list of Django apps used by a given project available in its INSTALLED_APPS setting.
    Third-party Django packages are simply reusable Django apps that have been packaged with the Python packaging tools.
  • Each app should be tightly focused on its task.
    James Bennett: “The art of creating and maintaining a good Django app is that it should follow the truncated Unix philosophy according to Douglas McIlroy: ‘Write programs that do one thing and do it well.’
  • Name the Django Apps
    • Keep to single word names, like flavors, animals, blog, and finances.
    • The app’s name should be a plural version of the app’s main model. There are many good exceptions, blog is the example.
    • Consider naming the app according to the URLs to be appeared. For example,, then consider naming your app weblog rather than blog, posts, or blogposts, even if the main model is Post.
    • Use PEP8-compliant, importable Python package names: short, all-lowercase names without numbers, dashes, periods, spaces, or special characters. Using underscores to separate words, although the use of underscores is discouraged.
  • Try to keep your apps small.
  • Sample Project Layout (any module ending with a slash (‘/’) represents a Python package)
    yourprojname_reporoot #This is the <repository_root>.
    |  |--settings/
    |  |
    |  |
    |  |
    |  |
    |--yourprojname_project/ #The <django_project_root> of the project.
    |  |--media/ #development only!
    |  |--apps1/
    |  |--apps2/
    |  |--apps3/
    |  |--static/ #Non-user-generated static media assets (CSS, JavaScript, and images).
    |  |--templates/ #Your site-wide Django templates
    |--requirements.txt #Current dependencies ($ pip freeze > requirements.txt)
  • When coding in Django, the classic example is the process of creating user objects and related data cross multiple models and apps.
  • Service layer example

    | #Service layer location for business logic
    | #Service layer location for queries
  • Each Django app should be tightly-focused on its own task and possess a simple, easy-to-remember name. If an app seems too complex, it should be broken up into smaller apps.
  • Settings module is loaded when your server starts up.
  • Instead of having one file, you have settings/ directory containing your settings files.
    (Each settings module should have its own corresponding requirements file.)
    | #Settings common to all instances of the project.
    | #Settings file when working on the project locally.
    | #Staging version for running a semi-private version of the site on a production server.
    | #Settings for running tests including test runners, in-memory database definitions, and log settings.
    | #Settings file used by your live production server(s). Sometimes called

    To start Python interactive interpreter with Django, using your settings/ settings file:
    python shell --settings=config.settings.local

    To run the local development server with your settings/ settings file:
    python runserver --settings=config.settings.local
  • Never hardcoding file paths in Django settings files.
  • The golden rule of Web application security is to never trust data from untrusted sources.
  • Everything except for passwords and API keys ought to be tracked in version control.
  • If there are 20+ models in a single app, break it down into smaller apps, as it probably means the app is doing too much.
    In practice, no more than five to ten models per app.
  • Simple rules of thumb for knowing which type of inheritance to use and when:
    • If the overlap between models is minimal, there might not be needed for model inheritance.
      Just add the fields to both models.
    • If there is enough overlap between models, the code should be refactored so that
      the common fields are in an abstract base model.
    • Proxy models are an occasionally-useful convenient feature, but they’re very different from
      the other two model inheritance styles.
    • Avoid multi-table inheritance. Instead of multi-table inheritance, use explicit OneToOneFields and ForeignKeys
      between models so you can control when joins are traversed.
  • It’s very common in Django projects to include a created and modified timestamp field on all models.

To be continued…

Further readings:
The Twelve-Factor App
PEP8 — Style Guide for Python Code